Category Blog

3 Reasons for Hiring a Personal Trainer

[img] 3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer

Have you ever worked with a personal trainer before at a gym? Have you always wanted to? Fitbodz has an awesome team of personal trainers at the gym that can help you meet your health and fitness goals today. Let’s…

How to Survive Your First Cycling Class

Did you know Fitbodz offers indoor cycling classes? Maybe you’re interested in your first cycling class but are just a little scared. It is true that cycling classes can be intense. There is a lot of sweat, loud music and, of…

5 Tips to Lose 5 Kg in 10 Weeks

Is your goal to lose weight? You’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people across Australia are trying to lose weight and become healthier everyday. There is no magic pill despite what the ads in magazines and television might try…

Which Form is Better for Strength Training?

Strength training is one of the best forms of exercise that you can do for your body. There are multiple physical, mental, and health benefits from regular strength training, like muscle tone, weight loss, and improved bone density. Unfortunately, too…

What is the Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

[img] What is the Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

Cardiovascular exercises, or cardio, is a form of aerobic exercise that raises your heart rate for an extended period of time to improve your overall fitness and stamina. It’s also a good way to burn kilojoules, which can lead to…

Top 5 Benefits of Strength Training

[img] Top 5 Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training is arguably the best thing you can do for your body after eating a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Unfortunately, too many people at the gym either don’t do it or do it wrong.…

The Benefits of Yoga

[img] The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a great physical and mental form on exercise. While many gym rats might shudder at the idea of taking a yoga class, it is great for beginning and experienced gym-goers. Yoga is a very accepting practice open to…

Is Stretching Before a Workout Necessary?

[img] Is Stretching Before a Workout Necessary?

Chances are you were told that you should stretch before a workout. A little arm stretch here and a little hamstring stretch there … good to go. However, over the years, research has determined that old school static stretches are not…

How to Ace Going to the Gym for the First Time

[img] How to Ace Going to the Gym for the First Time

The gym is an intimidating place for many beginners. There are heaps of shiny equipment and fit, sweaty people. Chiselled men grunt while lifting heavy barbells. Women in head-to-toe Lycra are running in sync on rows of treadmills. It might…

5 Signs You Need a New Workout

[img] 5 Signs You Need a New Workout

Are you bored at the gym? Do you regularly ask yourself, “Netflix or spin class?” It’s probably a sign you are due for a new workout. Your body is smart. It adapts both physically and mentally to your workouts. If…