How to Survive Your First Cycling Class

[img] How to Survive Your First Cycling ClassDid you know Fitbodz offers indoor cycling classes?

Maybe you’re interested in your first cycling class but are just a little scared. It is true that cycling classes can be intense. There is a lot of sweat, loud music and, of course, Lycra.

You’ve probably seen some of the people who attend cycling classes. The super fit guy with his fancy Lycra shorts and funny shoes. Or the woman who always gets to class 10 minutes early so she can get the bike right in front of the instructor. Don’t be intimated. Those cycling nuts all started somewhere too.

Steps to Your First Cycling Class

The first step is always the hardest: sign up for your first cycling class and show up.

Once you’re in the studio you’ll be totally fine. It’s best to arrive a few minutes early and ask the instructor or anyone in the studio to help you fit your bike. People are friendly and always willing to help.

Face the Cycling Class Equipment

Every cycling studio is different. Bikes vary between gyms and also within studios. Despite the differences, all spin bikes are generally the same. To properly fit yourself to the bike, stand next to the seat. Adjust the seat to the height of your hipbone. Now hop on the seat and spin one of your feet down to the bottom of the wheel, or about 6 o’clock —your knee should be almost fully extended. If not, adjust accordingly.

Now, spin your foot until it’s parallel to the floor. Your kneecap should just be over your toes. If it’s not, adjust your seat forward or backward until it does. Your handlebars are also adjustable. If this is your first class then keep them a bit higher so your back is straighter. As you cycle more you can start to lower the bars down a bit.

Start At Your Own Pace

Once you’re on the bike, it’s time for class! Tell the instructor that this is your first class. He or she can help you in case you don’t understand the terminology. Remember to ride at your own pace. Don’t try to be the hero or you’ll just end up overexerted and hurt. If you need to rest, then rest. And drink lots of water!

Remember To Cool Down

Once the class is over, it’s time to clean the bikes. The studio will have some disinfectant and a rag. Use this to clean your bike off, as it will be full of sweat. Especially during the winter months the germs come out in full force. No one wants your cold!

The Pain Will Go Away

After class, remember to stretch and drink lots of water. You’ll probably be sore for a day or two afterwards. It’s totally normal. If you find the seat rather uncomfortable, then you can get bike shorts to help with the discomfort, as bike shorts contain special padding in the butt area.

An hour of an indoor cycling class can burn upwards of 700-800 calories. So if you’re looking to burn some serious calories and break a sweat, join us for your first cycling class today!

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