3 Reasons for Hiring a Personal Trainer

[img] why you should hire a personal trainerHave you ever worked with a personal trainer before at a gym? Have you always wanted to? Fitbodz has an awesome team of personal trainers at the gym that can help you meet your health and fitness goals today. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should hire a personal trainer today.

If you think personal training is expensive, have you considered the lifetime costs of health-related conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity? Chances are medications for those conditions will cost you a whole lot more than a few sessions with a personal trainer. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should hire a personal trainer.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Trainer


Raise your hand if you’ve packed your gym bag to lift weights after work, only to drive straight pass the gym because you’re tired?

We’re all human. When we’re tired or having a bad day, we all just want to go home and sleep.

The only person you’re holding yourself accountable to in this situations is yourself. But, if you hire a personal trainer, you have another person holding you accountable for your workouts. As humans, we rarely want to disappoint other people. A personal trainer will hold you accountable for your workouts and make sure you’re making progress towards your goals.

Decrease Your Chances of Injuries

Working out and getting healthy does have some associated risks. However, the benefits do outweigh the risks, so you can’t use that as an excuse.

Strength-training exercises require proper form, otherwise you can hurt yourself. Certainly you can watch YouTube videos or some of the ‘meatheads’ at the gym and copy them. But, are you doing those exercises correctly?

A personal trainer will not only teach you the proper technique, so you don’t end up hurt yourself in the long run, but can also serve as another set of eyes. Personal trainers are practised at observing body movement and weaknesses in human bodies. While you might think that you’re capable of the Overhead Shoulder Press, your personal trainer might notice that your right scapula isn’t tracking correctly, saving you from months of physio following a torn rotator cuff.

Personalised Program to Help You Reach Your Goals

Everyone is different. You’ve probably heard this since Kindy. Well, it’s true. Just because your friend can bang out 100 burpees followed by 25 chin-ups doesn’t mean you can or should too. Your fitness plan is going to be different from everyone else’s because of your body type, goals, and lifestyle.

Sure, you can always go online and print some cookie-cutter exercise plan that will probably work for a while, but eventually it doesn’t. A personal trainer will customise a personal health and fitness plan based on your unique goals, body type, and lifestyle. He or she will create a plan for you based on your specialised needs and capabilities.

Hiring a personal trainer is an investment in your health. Not only will you reduce your chances of developing an injury by performing an exercise wrong, but you will have an unique plan designed just for you based on your goals and body type. Stop into Fitbodz today and talk with our team of personal trainers. We’re here to help you!


One comment

  1. A very informative post. A trainer can help you figure out if your goals are realistic. Help you stay motivated: Knowing you have an appointment with a pro can help you maintain motivation to exercise during the week

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